In Review. Kim, Jaymelee J. and Tricia Redeker Hepner. Spirits, Land, and Bones: Social Ecology, Justice, and Forensic Intervention. Annals of Anthropological Practice.

In Review. Kim, Jaymelee J. and Lucia Elgerud. One of Us or One of Them: The Implications of “Ancestry” Knowledge Production in Forensic Anthropology. Current Anthropology.

In Press. Friedlander, H, Kim, Jaymelee J. and Joseph Allen. Development of Human Remains Investigations at Fatal Fire Scenes. WIREs Forensic Science.

2024. Friedlander, H. and Jaymelee J. Kim. The Law Enforcement Agency Forensic Anthropologist. Journal of Forensic Identification, 74(1).

2024. Reinke, Amanda and Jaymelee J. Kim. Bureaucracy. In Samoilenko, Sergie and Solon Simmons (Eds.) Wiley Handbook of Social and Political Conflict. Hoboken: Wiley.

2024 Kim, Jaymelee J. Developing Human Trafficking Research with Local Agencies. Southern Anthropologist, 38:130-142.

2023 Kim, Jaymelee J., Allysha Winburn, Haley Scott, and Megan Moore. Adapting Forensic Case Reporting to Account for Marginalization and Vulnerability. Forensic Science International - Synergy.

2023 Kim, Jaymelee J. and Hanna Friedlander. If You See Something, Say Something: Using a Structural Vulnerability Profile in Forensic Casework. Forensic Science International - Synergy.

2023 Kim, Jaymelee J. Human Rights, In Wald, Priscilla, Altschuler, Sari and Jonathan Metzel (Eds.) Keywords for the Health Humanities.

2023 Kim, Jaymelee J. and Adam Rosenblatt. Whose Humanitarianism? Whose Forensic Anthropology? In Parra, Robert C. and Douglas H. Ubelaker (Eds.), Anthropology of Violent Death: Theoretical Foundations for Forensic Humanitarian Action. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ.

2022 Moore, Megan and Jaymelee J. Kim. Marginalization, Death, and Decline: The role of Forensic Anthropology to document the osteology of poverty in Detroit, Michigan in the 21st Century. In Byrnes, Jennifer and Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Eds.), Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era. Lexington Books: Washington, D.C.

2022 Kim, Jaymelee J. and Megan Moore. Recommendations for Large-Scale Exhumations of Potter’s Fields: Cases in the US. Forensic and Legal Medicine.

2022 Adams, Donovan M., Justin G. Goldstein, Mari Isa, Jaymelee J. Kim, Megan K. Moore, Marin A. Pilloud, Sean D. Tallman, Allysha P. Winburn. A Conversation on Redefining Ethical Considerations in Forensic Anthropology. American Anthropologist.

2022 Kim, Jaymelee J., Lucia Elgerud, and Hugh Tuller. Gaining Community Entry with Survivors for Forensic Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention. Forensic Sciences Research. DOI:

2021 Kim, Jaymelee J., Erin Eldridge, Amanda J. Reinke, and Sierra Williams. Digitally shaped ethnographic relationships during a global pandemic and beyond. Qualitative Research. DOI:

2021 Kim, Jaymelee J. Indigenous Youth and Experiences with Transitional Justice in Canada. Neos 13(1).

2020 Kim, Jaymelee J., Amanda J. Reinke, Erin R. Eldridge, and Maya Grant. Between Ohio and Georgia: Constructing the COVID-19 Disaster in the United States. Anthropology Today 36(4):17-19. DOI:

2020 Elgerud, Lucia and Jaymelee J. Kim. Mapping the Intangible: Forensic Human Rights Documentation in Post-conflict Uganda. The International Journal of Human Rights 24(4):594-615. DOI:

2019 Kim, Jaymelee J., Lucia Elgerud, and Hugh Tuller. Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology Sensitization in Post-Conflict Uganda. Forensic Science International 306:110062. DOI:

2019 Kim, Jaymelee J. and Tricia Redeker Hepner. Of Justice and the Grave: the Role of the Dead in Post-Conflict Uganda. International Criminal Law Review 19(6):1-25. DOI:

2018 Kim, Jaymelee J. Perspectives from the Ground: Bureaucratic Violence, Identity, and Transitional Justice in Canada. Conflict and Society: Advances in Research 4(1):116-134.

2018 Kim, Jaymelee J. An Alternative Approach to Forensic Anthropology: Findings from Northern Uganda. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 8(1):29-53.  

2017 Kim, Jaymelee J. Applied Anthropology in Transitional Justice. Practicing Anthropology 39(1):24-28.

*Underlined names are those of students.